Aleksandra Maatsch presented a paper entitled ”Accounting for resilience of parliamentary democracy during the Covid-19 pandemic” during the ECPR General Conference at the Charles University in Prague, 4-8 September 2023.
Anna Pacześniak presented a paper entitled “Bridges and gulfs between party and non-party activism in Europe” during the IPSA World Congress 2023, 15-19 July, Buenos Aires.
Jean Monnet Network E-Governance and Digital Transformation in the European Union, ENDE
We are happy to announce that the Jean Monnet Chair https://www.redemo.eu led by Professor Aleksandra Maatsch (from the recently established Institute of European Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences), together with partners from several countries, has obtained funds to establish the Jean Monnet Network ” E-governance and Digital Transformation in the European Union, (ENDE)”.…
Prof. Karolina Borońska-Hryniewiecka appointed to the CEPS-SWP High Level Group on EU Democracy
Prof. Karolina Borońska-Hryniewiecka has been appointed to the CEPS-SWP High Level Group on EU Democracy composed of well-known academic and authoritative practitioners (politicians, diplomats, advisors). The task of the group is to develop and disseminate policy recommendations to strengthen EU democracy. To find out more about the group and its activity see: https://www.ceps.eu/ceps-task-forces/ceps-swp-high-level-group-on-eu-democracy/
Pre-election debate (30.05.2023) in the media: the recoding of the whole debate & the media coverage
DEBATA Online: *** TVP 3 Wrocław https://wroclaw.tvp.pl/70215578/debata-politykow-na-uniwersytecie-wroclawskim *** TELEWIZJA Echo 24 *** RADIO RODZINA Debata przedwyborcza na Uniwersytecie wrocławskim – Radio Rodzina Debata przedwyborcza na Uniwersytecie wrocławskim – Radio Rodzina *** RADIO LUZ 16:00-16:30, 24.05 *** RADIO WROCLAW https://www.radiowroclaw.pl/articles/view/130588/Wroclawscy-studenci-przepytali-politykow *** Poranek radia Tok FM 31 maja: https://audycje.tokfm.pl/podcast/140861,-Komisja-jest-najwiekszym-zagrozeniem-dla-demokracji-Anna-Paczesniak-Maria-Winclawska *** Gazeta Wrocławska https://gazetawroclawska.pl/debata-politykow-na-uniwersytecie-wroclawskim-gospodarka-spoleczenstwo-i-salwa-smiechu-studentow-po-slowach-o-homoseksualizmie/ar/c1-17589229
2023 Parliamentary Elections in Poland: Challenges-Context-Strategies (May 30th and 31st 2023 Wrocław)
In the wake of the upcoming parliamentary elections in Poland, we cordially invite to an academic conference taking place on May 30th and 31st 2023 at the Faculty of Social Sciences (3 Koszarowa Street). The conference begins with a pre-election debate including six representatives of Polish parliamentary parties: Ms Mirosława Stachowiak-Różecka (Law and Justice), Mr…
Pre-election debate with politicians at the University of Wroclaw
In the wake of the upcoming parliamentary elections in Poland, the Faculty of Social Sciences will host a pre-election debate with representatives of six parliamentary parties: Ms Mirosława Stachowiak-Różecka (Law and Justice), Mr Michał Jaros (Civic Platform), Ms Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk (the Left), Mr Miłosz Motyka (the Polish People’s Party), Mr Michał Kobosko (Poland 2050) and…
Anna Pacześniak presented a paper „Political parties’ take-over of the state: causes, prognoses and conclusions” at the conference „The state in the face of crises” organised by the Chair of Sociology of Politics, Department of Sociology at the University of Warsaw, 9-10 March 2023.
“A Hamiltonian Moment for the EU? Domestic Ratifications of the European Financial Stability Facility and the Own Resources Decision” – a paper by Aleksandra Maatsch and Carlos Closa presented at the conference “Territorial Politics in Europe: the Covid-19 Pandemic as a critical juncture?”, Aston University in Birmingham, 27-28 April 2023.
Aleksandra Maatsch presents a paper “Rule of Law Regulation: a Game-Changing Mechanism?” at the conference of the Council of European Studies in Reykjavik, June 27-29 2023.