Research / Publications


Maatsch, A. (2024) Parliamentary adjustment during a crisis: Interplay of digitalisation and domestic context factors

in: Internet of Things, vol 27.

Eihmanis, E. (2024) EU transnational coalitions in polycrisis: the Visegrad-4 before and after the Russo-Ukrainian war

in: Journal of European Public Policy, 1-25.

Borońska-Hryniewiecka, K. (2024) Parlament Europejski: Prawodawca i przedstawiciel obywateli w systemie politycznym UE

in: Fundacja Batorego.

Borońska-Hryniewiecka, K., Sacriste, G. (2024) The Domain of the Right? Explaining Domestic Parliamentary Preferences of EU-related self-empowerment

in: Parliamentary Affairs.

Pacześniak, A. (2024) In search of allies on the road to enhancing the integrity of the EU

in: A. Schieder, L. Andor, M. Maltschnig, A. Skrzypek (eds.), Progressive Ambition: how to shape Europe in the next decade, FEPS – Foundation for European Progressive Studies and the Karl-Renner Institut, Brussels 2024, s. 186-197.

Pacześniak, A., Wincławska, M. (2024) Migrants’ Political Participation and Representation in Poland: What Do Political Parties Have to Offer?

Politics and Governance, vol 12,

Pacześniak, A. (2023) Party politics and political polarization in Poland as the roots of de-democratization

in: Democratic Backsliding in Poland: Why Has Poland Gone to the Dark Side, A. Szymański,  Ł. Zamęcki, R. Mieńkowska (eds.), Rowman & Littlefield2023, s. 63-86.

Pacześniak, A. (2023) The anti-elitist strategy of political parties as a populist tool to (re)gain electoral support

in: Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 2023,

Garsztecki, S., Grzeszczak, R., Maatsch, A. Wojtaszyn, D. (2024) Das Politische System Polens / The political system of Poland (NOMOS). Flyer:

Naczyk, M. and Eihmanis, E. (2023) Populist party-producer group alliances and divergent developmentalist politics of minimum wages in Poland and Hungary

in: Competition & Change (online first).

Woźniakowski, T. (2022) Fiscal Unions: Economic Integration in Europe and the United States

Oxford University Press.

Fabbrini, S., Zgaga, T. and Woźniakowski, T. (2023) Comparative Fiscal Federalism and the Post-Covid EU: Between Debt Rules and Borrowing Power

in: Politics and Governance 11(4), Special Issue.

Woźniakowski, T. (2023) No borrowing without taxing? Fiscal solidarity of Next Generation EU in light of the American experience

in: Politics and Governance 11(4).

Woźniakowski, T. (2023) Building an EU central fiscal capacity – lessons from US history

in: The Political Economy of Europe’s Future and Identity: Integration in crisis mode. RSCAS, EUI and UCP Press.

Woźniakowski, T. (2023) Parliamentary accountability of the Country Specific Recommendations – effectiveness and substance

in: Dawnson, M. (ed) Substantive accountability in Europe’s new economic governance, Cambridge University Press (in print).

Zeitlin, J., Bokhorst, D. & Eihmanis, E. (2023) Governing the RRF. Drafing, Implementing and Monitoring National Recovery and Resilience Plans as an Interactive Multilevel Process

in: Policy Study June 2023, Foundation for the European Progressive Studies.

Antal, A., Butzlaff, F., Diamond, P. & Pacześniak, A. (2023) Democratic Freedom? Social Democratic Dilemmas in the Multiple Crises of the Contemporary

Schieder, A., Andor, L., Maltschnig, A. & Skrzypek, A. (2023) Crisis and Politics: how to Make Hard Choices and Succeed? Brussels: Foundation for the European Progressive Studies and the Karl-Renner Institut.

Pacześniak, A., Styczyńska, N. (2023) Impact of Euroscepticism on the Stability and Cohesion

Zuba, K. (ed.) The Polish Delegation in the European Parliament. Stability and Cohesion, Palgrave Macmillan, s. 213-235.

Pacześniak, A. (2023) Selection and Election

Zuba, K. (ed.) The Polish Delegation in the European Parliament. Stability and Cohesion, Palgrave Macmillan, s. 35-54.

Żuk, P. & Pacześniak, A. (2023) ‘They attack the family and order’: Right-wing media about feminists and the political consequences of the women’s strike in Poland.

in: Frontiers in Sociology 7(1).

Maatsch, A. (2023) Explaining the democratic backsliding in Poland: the interplay of intrinsic and extrinsic factors

in: Crum, B. & Oleart, A. (eds.) Populist Parties and Democratic Resilience (Routlege).

Eihmanis, E. (2023) ‘10 Years of the European Semester: Policy Goals, Efficiency and Legitimacy’

in: Adamski, D., Amtenbrink, F. and de Haan, A.  ‘The Cambridge Handbook on European Monetary, Economic and Financial Market Integration’ (CUP), forthcoming.

Żuk, P. & Pacześniak, A. (2022) Is it possible to defeat right-wing populist authorities by winning elections? The erosion of democracy and the system of the triple-masters class in Poland.

in: Frontiers in Political Science 4(1).

Pacześniak, A. (2022) Przywództwo partyjne a porażka wyborcza – interakcje i współzależności.

in: Politeja 2022/5(80): 105-121.

Bohle, D. and Eihmanis, E. (2022) “East Central Europe in the COVID-19 crisis” (Special Issue)

East European Politics, vol. 38(4),

Pacześniak, A., Bachryj-Krzywaźnia, & M. Kaczorowska, M. (2022) Electoral Defeat and Party Change: From Makeover to Retouching.

Palgrave Macmillan.

Pacześniak, A. (2022) Do Europarties need direct members? If so, what for?

in: Skrzypek, A. (ed.) Transforming the political union. Reinforcing europarties ahead of the European elections. FEPS and Aspra, 109-129, ISBN: 978-2-930769-76-9.

Pacześniak, A. (2022) Poland: struggling for hearing.

in: Hofmann de Moura, K., Skrzypek, A. & Wilson, R. (eds.) Towards a social democratic century? How European and global social democracy can steer a course through the crises, Berlin and Brussels, 75-82, ISBN: 978-3-948314-19-4.

Pacześniak, A. (2022) The 2020 presidential campaign in Poland: an exception or business as usual?

in: Voting during Pandemics: Making Democracy Resilient in Turbulent Times. Experiences from Central, South & Eastern Europe. FEPS Paper Series, Brussels.

Maatsch, A. (2022) Ratifications of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA): Explaining the Structure of the Political Conflict

Polish Political Science Review, vol 10(1): 21-34.

Pacześniak, A. (2022) ‘Gender of electoral defeat in the narrative of political parties in Poland, Belgium and the United Kingdom’

P. Barczyszyn-Madziarz, P. Żukiewicz (eds.) Gender and LGBTQ issues in the election processes. Global and local contexts. Routledge (forthcoming).

Bachryj-Krzywaźnia, M. & Pacześniak, A. (2021) Rising from ashes of electoral defeat: Reversal of Vlaams Belang’s electoral fortune in the light of demand-supply approach

Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne, vol. 72(4):153–167;

Wincławska, M., Pacześniak, A., Brodzińska-Mirowska, D. & Jacuński, M. (2021) Party Management from the perspective of party members. Evidence from Poland

Problems of Post-Communism, vol. 68(4): 315-  326,

Eihmanis, E. (2021) ‘Latvia’

E. M. Immergut et al. (ed.). Health Politics in Europe: A Handbook. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Borońska-Hryniewiecka, K. & Grinc, J. (2021)Actions speak louder than words? The untapped potential of V4 parliaments in EU affairs

East European Politics and Societies

Borońska-Hryniewiecka, K. (2021) Accountability Revisited. Parliamentary perspectives on the Inter-parliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance

Política y Sociedad 58(1)

Pacześniak, A. & Rydliński, B. (eds.) (2021) Europejskie partie polityczne. Dyskurs programowy w Unii Europejskiej.

Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sejmowe,

Borońska-Hryniewiecka, K. (2021) Parlamenty narodowe w systemie politycznym Unii Europejskiej. Role, ambicje i ograniczenia.

Warszawa: SCHOLAR,

Pacześniak, A. (2021) Proces selekcji kandydatów a stabilność personalna polskiej delegacji w Parlamencie Europejskim

Przegląd Europejski vol. 2:71-86, DOI: 10.31338/1641-2478pe.2.21.5.

Borońska-Hryniewiecka, K. & Sacriste, G. (2021) Conférence sur l’avenir de l’Europe: comment éviter le choc des légitimités?

Le Grand Continent

Jacuński, M., Brodzińska-Mirowska, B., Pacześniak, A. & Wincławska, M. (2021) Party organization and communication in Poland.


Maatsch A. & Kurpiel A. (2021) Between collective and particularistic interests. Ratification of the Prespa Agreement by national parliaments in Greece and North Macedonia

Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 21:1, 53-75, DOI: 10.1080/14683857.2021.1877911.

Maatsch, A. (2021) Disempowerment through the Backdoor: The Impact of Populist Parties on the National Parliament in Poland

Parliamentary Affairs, 74(4),

Maatsch, A. & Miklin, E. (2021) Representative Democracy in Danger? The Impact of Populist Parties in Government on the Powers and Practices of National Parliaments

Parliamentary Affairs 74(4), (Special Issue),

Maatsch, A.; Miklin, E. & Woźniakowski, T. (2021) Rising to a Challenge? 10 Years of Parliamentary Accountability of Post-Crisis EU Economic Governance

Politics & Governance (Special Issue), vol.9(3),

Borońska-Hryniewiecka, K. & Sacriste, G. (2021) Why a shortened ‘Future of Europe’ conference suits France

EUobserver, 10 February 2021,

Maatsch, A. & Miklin, E. (2021) How populists change parliaments


Pacześniak, A., Bachryj-Krzywaźnia, M. & Kaczorowska, M. (2020) Electoral Defeat and Party Change: When do Parties Adapt?

Political Preferences, vol. 27:63-78.

Żuk, P. & Pacześniak, A. (2020) Sustainable Development, Energy Transition, and Climate Challenges in the Context of Gender: The Framework of Gender Determinants of Environmental Orientation in Poland

Sustainability, vol. 12, 9214; doi:10.3390/su12219214.

Borońska-Hryniewiecka, K.  (2020) National parliaments as ‘multi-arena players’ in the European Union? Insights into Poland and France

Journal of European Integration 43(6)

Pacześniak, A. (2020) Ustrojowe uwarunkowania funkcjonowania partii politycznych we Francji i ich konsekwencje dla sceny politycznej

Politeja, nr 64: 123-141.

Borońska-Hryniewiecka, K. (2019) The Polish Parliament and the Scrutiny of Brexit in Poland

(Eds.) Christiansen, T. & Fromage, D. Brexit and Democracy. The role of national parliaments and citizens. Palgrave Macmillan, 155-178.

Borońska-Hryniewiecka, K. & Toporowski, P. (2019) Polityka Polski w Unii Europejskiej

Rocznik Polskiej Polityki Zagranicznej 2011-2015. Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych.

Pacześniak, A., Bachryj-Krzywaźnia, M. (2019) Electoral Defeat As ‘Mother of Party Change’: Towards Objective-Subjective Approach

Czech Journal of Political, Science/Politologický časopis, vol. 2: 122-134, doi: 10.5817/pc2019-2-122.

Seelkopf, L., Bubek, M., Eihmanis E., Ganderson, J., Limberg, J., Mnaili, Y., Zuluaga, P. & Genschel, P. (2019) The rise of modern taxation: A new comprehensive dataset of tax introductions worldwide

Review of International Organizations.

Eihmanis, E. (2019b) Latvia and the European Union

F. Laursen and A. Verdun (eds). Encyclopedia of European Union Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1–22.

Eihmanis, E. (2019a) An ever wider gap: The ethnic divide in Latvian party competition

H. Kriesi and S. Hutter (eds). European party politics in times of crisis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 236–258.

Pacześniak, A. & Wincławska, M. (2018) Leadership in Polish political parties

e-Politicon, nr 28: 92-114.

Pacześniak, A. (eds.) (2018) Anatomia porażki wyborczej.

Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sejmowe

Pacześniak, A., Wincławska, M. (2018) Members of Polish Political Parties in the Process of Inter-Electoral Campaigning

Polish Political Science Yearbook, vol. 48(4): 652–662,

Eihmanis, E. (2018) Cherry-picking external constraints: Latvia and EU economic governance, 2008–2014

Journal of European Public Policy 25(2): 231–249.

Borońska-Hryniewiecka, K. (2017) Methodological aspects of measuring the effectiveness of EU participatory mechanisms: the case of ECI

Przegląd Europejski 2(44)

Maatsch, A. (2017) European Semester Compliance and National Political Party Ownership

Jančić, D. ed. (2017) National Parliaments after the Lisbon Treaty and the Euro Crisis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Borońska-Hryniewiecka, K. (2017) Regional parliamentary empowerment in EU affairs. Building an analytical framework

The Journal of Legislative Studies 23(2)

Borońska-Hryniewiecka, K. (2017) Differential Europeanization? Explaining the impact of the Early Warning System on subnational parliaments in Europe

European Political Science Review 9(2)

Maatsch, A. and Cooper, I. (2017) Introduction, in: Cooper, I.; Maatsch, A. and Smith, J. (eds.) ‘Governance without Democracy? Analyzing the Role of Parliaments in European Economic Governance after the Crisis

Parliamentary Affairs, vol. 73(4) – Special Issue.

Borońska-Hryniewiecka, K. (2017) From the EWS to the green card for national parliaments: hindering or accelerating the EU lawmaking?

(Ed.) Jancic, D. National Parliaments after the Lisbon Treaty and the Euro Crisis: Resilience or Resignation? Oxford University Press, 247-261.

Maatsch, A. (2017) Effectiveness of the European Semester: Explaining Domestic Consent and Contestation

Parliamentary Affairs, vol. 73(4).

Maatsch, A. (2017) Parliaments and the Economic Governance of the European Union: Talking Shops or Deliberative Bodies?

London: Routledge.

Pacześniak, A. & De Waele,  J-M. (ed.) (2016) Comprendre la Pologne. Société, politique et institutions.

Paris: L’Harmattan,

De Waele, J-M. & Pacześniak, A. (2016) Pologne: Les libertés en péril?

Politique Internationale, vol. 152: 325-337,

Maatsch, A. (2016) Drivers of Political Parties’ Voting Behaviour in European Economic Governance: The Ultimate Decline of the Economic Cleavage?

West European Politics, 39(4).

Closa, C. and Maatsch, A. (2014) In a spirit of solidarity? Justifying the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) in national parliamentary debates

Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 52(4).

Pacześniak, A. (2014) Europeizacja polskich partii politycznych.

Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar,

Maatsch, A. (2014) Are we all austerians now? An analysis of national parliamentary parties’ positioning on anti-crisis measures in the eurozone

Journal of European Public Policy, vol. 21(1).

Pacześniak, A. (2014) Are Polish Political Parties Really Europeanized?

Yearbook of Polish European Studies, vol. 17: 139-166.

Eihmanis, E. (2013) Post-crisis economic governance in Latvia: the European Semester, the Balance-of- Payments programme, and euro accession convergence

European Social Observatory, Brussels.