About the Jean Monnet Chair
The scientific goal of the Jean Monnet Chair (JMC) is to examine the functioning of representative democracy in crisis mode. More specifically, the Chair studies the impact of the sovereign debt crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic on representative democracy in Europe. All activities of the JMC are organised in three work-packages: WP-1 TEACHING (seminars delivered by the Chairholder and the team), WP-2 EUROPE NOW! (public events targeting the general public, practitioners, NGOs, university and high school students) and WP-3 RESEARCH ACTIVITY (academic research regarding the impact of crises on representative democracy).

The Jean Monnet Chair – Aleksandra Maatsch, Professor of Political Science and DAAD long-term lecturer at the Institute of European Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Wrocław.
The JMC core team is composed of prof. Karolina Borońska-Hryniewiecka, prof. Anna Pacześniak, dr. Edgars Eihmanis and dr. Tomasz Woźniakowski.
Contact aleksandra.maatsch@uwr.edu.pl