Edgars Eihmanis presented a policy paper (co-authored with J.Zeitlin and D. Bockhorst) “Rethinking the Governance and Delivery of the Cohesion Policy Funds: is the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RFF) a Model?” at the High-Level Group on the Future of Cohesion Policy convened by DG REGIO at the EC, November 12th 2023.
Prof. Karolina Borońska-Hryniewiecka uczestniczyła w przygotowaniu raportu o wzmocnieniu demokracji w Unii Europejskiej przygotowanego przed dwa think tanki: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) i German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP). Link do raportu poniżej
The Jean Monnet Chair is happy to host dr. Felix Butzlaff from the Central European University, who delivers a lecture “Austrians towards integration processes and crises in the European Union”. The lecture takes place on October 24th, 9:45-11:15, room 222 IP.
Karolina Borońska Hryniewiecka and Jan Kotynek Krotki invite to an online seminar „Parliamentary dimension of the Conference on the Future of Europe: experience from selected chambers” which takes place on November 10, 2023 from 10:00-12:30. The programme and the link are provided below:
Jean Monnet Chair, jointly with the Aston Centre for Europe, organise a workshop “Territorial Politics in Europe: did the Covid-19 pandemic lead to a centralisation or decentralisation of power?”, 7-8 December 2023, Wroclaw.
Aleksandra Maatsch joined the Advisory Board of the Jacques Delors Centre in Berlin, Hertie School (September 2023)
Jean Monnet Team ReDemo has attended a kick-off workshop of the Jean Monnet Network “European Network on Digitalisation and E-governance, ENDE” taking place at the Palacky University Olomuc, 8-10 October 2023.
Aleksandra Maatsch, Agnieszka Cianciara (ISP PAN) and Pawel Karolewski (Leipzig) took part in the panel debate opening the Polish Conference of European Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, 20-22 September 2023. The panel debate followed the opening lecture by Grzegorz Ekiert (University of Harward), it was moderated by Magdalena Gora (UJ).
Aleksandra Maatsch presented a paper entitled ”Parliamentary democracy during the Covid-19 pandemic: accounting for resilience and decline” during the Polish Conference of European Studies organised at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, 20-22 September 2023.
Karolina Borońska-Hryniewiecka acted as a chair and discussant of the panel „Parliaments, citizens and the Future of Europe: synergies or legitimacy clashes?” at the ECPR General Conference at the Charles University in Prague, 4-8 September 2023.