Giants or Dwarfs? The Importance of EUparties and EUfoundations for the Process of Political Integration in the European Union.

The Chair of European Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences & the Jean Monnet Chair invite to a guest lecture by dr Anna Skrzypek-Claassens from the Foundation of European Progressive Studies ( The lecture takes place on November 7th, 2022 from 13:45 to 15:15 at the Institute of Political Science, Koszarowa 3, Aula B.

Giants or Dwarfs? The Importance of EUparties and EUfoundations for the Process of Political Integration in the European Union.
Giants or Dwarfs? The Importance of EUparties and EUfoundations for the Process of Political Integration in the European Union.

Giants or Dwarfs? The Importance of EUparties and EUfoundations for the Process of Political Integration in the European Union.