Anna Pacześniak at #Campus2022
Karolina Borońska-Hryniewiecka gave interviews in TOK FM
https://audycje.tokfm.pl/podcast/125439,Czy-UE-ograniczy-prawo-weta-Obywatele-chca-reform-rzady-niekoniecznie https://audycje.tokfm.pl/podcast/122747,UE-bedzie-bardziej-demokratyczna-Podsumowanie-bezprecedensowego-eksperymentu
Karolina Borońska-Hryniewiecka invites to a new podcast!
You can find the podcast here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02SZOrCaxwM
Aleksandra Maatsch contributed to a webinar “From the European Semester to the Covid-19 crisis: macro-economic policy coordination and its implications for social and regional partners”
10.03.2022. Co-hosts: the Committee of the Regions, the Observatoire Social Européen and the University of Victoria, BC, Canada Information here: https://cor.europa.eu/en/events/Pages/european-semester-to-covid-19-macro-economic-policy-coordination-implications.aspx The Covid-19 pandemic crisis has led to an increased focus on what types of policies may be suitable to ensure adequate policy coordination between member states and regions of the European Union (EU). Measures by…
“EUkraine? National and EU perspectives on the war in Ukraine” JMC online debate
08.04.2022. Panelists: prof. dr hab. Anna Pacześniak, dr Robert Kropiwincki (member of the parliament, Civic Platform), dr Edgars Eihmanis, prof. dr Sören Brinkmann and prof. dr Monika Sus. Moderators: Aleksandra Maatsch & Maja Włodarczyk (student of Global Studies, University of Wroclaw). Translation EN PL provided
A study visit to the European Commission, 19.05.2022, 9:30-11:00.
We invite students and PhDs to participate in a study visit to the European Commission. The programme envisages presentation of the Commission’s contemporary goals and challenges but also internship opportunities, followed by the Q&As. Students interested in joining the meeting please contact: karolina.boronska-hryniewiecka@uwr.edu.pl