Co-hosts: the Committee of the Regions, the Observatoire Social Européen and the University of Victoria, BC, Canada Information here: https://cor.europa.eu/en/events/Pages/european-semester-to-covid-19-macro-economic-policy-coordination-implications.aspx

The Covid-19 pandemic crisis has led to an increased focus on what types of policies may be suitable to ensure adequate policy coordination between member states and regions of the European Union (EU). Measures by the EU to address the economic effects of the pandemic have raised concerns that recent changes to the European Semester, the EU’s macroeconomic coordination framework, could infringe upon established practices in member states over domestic fiscal policies and spending decisions whereby social and regional actors are left out. This Outreach Event will explore these changes as they are addressed in the Special issue of the Journal of Common Market Studies on the topic of ‘Macroeconomic Policy Coordination and Domestic Politics: Policy Coordination in the EU from the European Semester to the Covid-19 Crisis.’ This Special Issue seeks to offer a state-of-the-art analysis of ten years of macro-economic policy coordination since the start of the European Semester with a particular focus on the involvement of domestic actors and member state governments in the European Semester process. Using the lenses of Ideas, Institutions, and Interests, this Outreach Event will present and discuss the ways in which European and national level actors have interacted with each other throughout the history of the European Semester in order to draw lessons that can be used for current and future challenges in the domain of European macroeconomic governance, which are important for stakeholders at EU, national and regional levels.
Chair: Wolfgang Petzold, Deputy Director European Committee of the Regions, Communications
Keynote speakers: Mr Kajus Hagelstam – (European Parliament) – reaction to JCMS Special Issue / the 12 policy briefs (general level). Presentation slides here: Committee of Regions_Kajus Hagelstam
Rob Jonkman (member, Committee of the region member) – reaction to JCMS Special Issue / the 12 policy briefs (general level). Presentation slides here: Remarks from Luc Tholoniat EC
Speakers: Aleksandra Maatsch (University of Wroclaw), Sebastiano Sabato (Observatoire Social Europeen), Luc Tholoniat (European Commission), Alison Weston (European External Action Service)
Final Version of JCMS Policy Briefs