The upcoming European Parliament elections were the subject of a pre-election debate (May 7th) organised and funded by the Jean Monnet Chair at the Department of Social Sciences, University of Wroclaw. The invited EP-candidates were: Mr. Bogdan Zdrojewski (Civic Platform/EPP, no.1 on the list in Lower Silesia), Ms. Anna Zalewska (Law and Justice/ECR, no. 1 on the list in Lower Silesia), Ms. Anna Bryłka (Confederation, no. 1 on the list in Greater Poland region), Mr. Krzysztof Śmiszek (the Left/S&D, no. 1 on the list in Lower Silesia) and Ms. Róża Thun (Poland2050/Renew, no. 1 on the list in Lower Silesia).
The underlying idea was to actively involve our students in the debate. The debate was therefore chaired by two university students. The questions posed to the EP-candidates originated from our university students, not the members of the faculty.

The debate was advertised online and at the university (posters). There was also short advertising video featuring our university students:
DEBATA #PrzyszłośćEuropy – zapowiedź (
The whole debate was recorded and can be watched online on YouTube:
Debata Przedwyborcza 2024 – #PrzyszłośćEuropy (
Opening of the debate by the students & Aleksandra Maatsch:

EP-candidates and two students/moderators (Marianna Bartłomiejus-Samołyk i Jakub Sławiski):

Family photo of EP-candidates, Jean Monnet Team & our students:

The debate was well-attended: there were approximately 500 persons attending the debate in person and almost 500 people following the streaming online:

The debate has been extensively covered by the regional media (newspaper and TV Echo & TVP3):