2023 Parliamentary Elections in Poland: Challenges-Context-Strategies (May 30th and 31st 2023 Wrocław)

In the wake of the upcoming parliamentary elections in Poland, we cordially invite to an academic conference taking place on May 30th and 31st  2023 at the Faculty of Social Sciences (3 Koszarowa Street). The conference begins with a pre-election debate including six representatives of Polish parliamentary parties: Ms Mirosława Stachowiak-Różecka (Law and Justice), Mr Michał Jaros (Civic Platform), Ms Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk (the Left), Mr Miłosz Motyka (the Polish People’s Party), Mr Michał Kobosko (Poland 2050) and Mr Krzysztof Tuduj (the Confederation). The pre-election debate will be moderated by students of the University of Wroclaw, who have also authored all the questions. The debate will be simultaneously translated from Polish into English. You can follow the debate in person or online, both in EN and PL: https://bit.ly/DEBATA_POLITYCZNA_2023

The conference will host panel discussions with Polish and foreign speakers who will discuss such topics as: strategies for creating electoral lists, the conduct of the electoral campaign in the media, the rule of law or the significance of the forthcoming elections for the functioning of the European Union. All panels have a hybrid format allowing in-person and online participation (links are provided in the programme below). The language of the discussion will be Polish or English.

The scientific supervisors of the conference are Prof. Anna Pacześniak and Prof. Aleksandra Maatsch. The debate with politicians is organised by the European Studies Students’ Scientific Circle “Project Europe” and the Scientific Circle of Interdisciplinary European Activities.

The conference is funded by the Jean Monnet Chair at UWr and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Further details are provided on the websites of the University of Wrocław and in social media.

See the attached conference programme (in PL/EN) for further details.


2023 Parliamentary Elections in Poland: Challenges-Context-Strategies (May 30th and 31st 2023 Wrocław)
2023 Parliamentary Elections in Poland: Challenges-Context-Strategies (May 30th and 31st 2023 Wrocław)
2023 Parliamentary Elections in Poland: Challenges-Context-Strategies (May 30th and 31st 2023 Wrocław)
2023 Parliamentary Elections in Poland: Challenges-Context-Strategies (May 30th and 31st 2023 Wrocław)
2023 Parliamentary Elections in Poland: Challenges-Context-Strategies (May 30th and 31st 2023 Wrocław)
2023 Parliamentary Elections in Poland: Challenges-Context-Strategies (May 30th and 31st 2023 Wrocław)